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Aspar Botanical Hand Wash



500ml ℮ 16.9fl.oz. A sulphate-free, natural hand wash that gently cleanses your hands without dehydrating your skin. Infused with our signature spa blend of ‘relax’ essential oils that immediately transports your senses to a luxurious day spa, calming your mind with every wash. High quality pump top is long-lasting. BENEFITS Sweet almond moisturises protects & hydrates your skin. Patchouli helps to ground, balance and clarify your senses while easing daily stresses. SPA TIP A mid-day me-moment. Massage into damp hands for 30 seconds, while doing so, take 3 deep breaths of the essential oil blend to relax and reset. Gentle hydrating formulation can be used as a body wash if you run out 500毫升 ℮ 16.9液體盎司 一種不含硫酸鹽的天然洗手液,可以溫和地清潔雙手,不會使皮膚脫水。 注入我們標誌性的“放鬆”精油的水療混合物,立即將您的感官帶到豪華的日間水療中心,每次洗滌都能讓你的頭腦平靜下來。 高質量的泵頂經久耐用。 好處 甜杏仁保溼,保護和滋潤你的皮膚。 廣藿香有助於接地、平衡和澄清你的感官,同時緩解日常壓力。 水療提示 中午的我-時刻。 在潮溼的手上按摩30秒,同時深呼吸3次精油混合物以放鬆和重置。 如果你用完了,溫和的保溼配方可以作為沐浴露使用
